Sparx Science

Building scientific knowledge and understanding through personalised homework

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We support students aged 11-16
Science icons

AQA Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Trilogy

Paper icon

Edexcel Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Combined

Curriculum icon

KS3 aligned to the national curriculum

Questions that promote genuine understanding

Our bank of over 23,000 questions is designed to test knowledge and promote scientific thinking across the secondary curriculum.

Example questions:
Example Biology question - Easy difficulty - diagram
Example Biology question - Easy difficulty

Innovative student support

Students actively engage with support that addresses misconceptions and gaps in learning
Help provided for every question to help unblock students when they get stuck
Supports setting high expectations for students

Understand student performance

Class-level insights uncover material that students are struggling with
See exactly which questions a student has done so you can provide help when required
Live reporting to help you monitor and support homework completion

Our community


questions answered

Student interface


hours of learning



What our schools say


Through using Sparx as our homework platform, we are confident that students are receiving regular retrieval practice and application of knowledge. The platform's ability to automatically change the level of questions makes Sparx accessible to all learners. Sparx supports staff in identifying gaps which allow for the regular addressing of misconceptions in lessons as well as massively reducing workload.

Liam Bedford

Director of Science - Leigh Academy Rainham

Leigh Academy Rainham Logo

Through using Sparx as our homework platform, we are confident that students are receiving regular retrieval practice and application of knowledge. The platform's ability to automatically change the level of questions makes Sparx accessible to all learners. Sparx supports staff in identifying gaps which allow for the regular addressing of misconceptions in lessons as well as massively reducing workload.

Sparx Learning provides maths, reading and science solutions to more than half of UK schools, supporting students aged 11-16yrs across several large International School Groups and many individual schools across the world.

Map of the world with points showing all the different countries Sparx Maths is used in. These countries include: Australia, Belgium, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar, Oman, Peru, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, UAE, United Kingdom, United States, and Vietnam

School groups we work with

Tedd Wragg Trust
International Schools Partnership
United Learning
International Education Systems
Greenshaw Learning Trust
Delta Academies Trust
The Athelstan Trust
Consillium Academies
Star Academies
GLF Teaching School Aliance
Academies Enterprise Trust
Spencer Academies Trust
Brooke Western Academy Trust
Invictus Education Trust
Shaw Academy Trust
Dudley Academies Trust
Westcountry Schools Trust
Leigh Academies Trust
Chorus Education Trust
Stour Vale Academies Trust
Tedd Wragg Trust
International Schools Partnership
United Learning
International Education Systems
Greenshaw Learning Trust

Start your journey with Sparx Science today

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